OA NoVA Intergroup

Northern Virginia Intergroup of Overeaters Anonymous

Call (703) 823-6682

Abstinence – A word from our sponsors

by Rachel B.

Abstinence. One of the biggest challenges I hear other sponsors talking about is how do I help a sponsee get abstinent? That’s a good question. For me, it’s really important to remember that I’m not responsible for whether or not my sponsee is abstinent, but I can practice patience, love, and acceptance for a sponsee that is struggling. I have to turn my sponsee over to HP. And I share my experience, strength and hope. Allowing myself to feel uncomfortable feelings—fear, anger, loneliness—was critical to getting abstinent. So I if my sponsee is struggling, I talk about this and ask what he or she is feeling—or not wanting to feel. I love the slogan, “It’s not what you’re eating, it’s what’s eating you.” I am always grateful that my sponsee is in my life and on the road of recovery with me.


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or send to: NoVA IG
P.O. Box 1992, Annandale, VA 22003

More details available here.

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